Sonja Flinn -
Director of Program Services

Director of Program Services Sonja Flinn

Since Sonja was young, she has wanted to help people. Her dream was to work for NYPD as she is originally from New York State. She moved around most of her life as an Army Brat and joined the Army as Military Police after graduating from High School. After some path changes and Covid, she decided to go to school for Social Work. Her path was heading towards Child Welfare when one of her instructors talked to her about working with Veterans. That is all she needed; “Veterans became my new passion.”

After working with Safe Families, she found a job listing for Veteran’s Outreach. Soon after starting, she was promoted to Director of Program Services. Sonja says, “This is the first time in my life that I wake up daily wanting to go to work. Helping my brothers and sisters in Arms is more rewarding than I could have imagined.”  In her free time, she likes to spend time with her husband and two daughters.


“And the truth is that all veterans pay with their lives. Some pay all at once, while others pay over a lifetime”. -J.M. Storm